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Sage Bundle Sampler II - a trio of tightly packed bundles of dried herbs wrapped with string, for smoke cleansing rituals
Hand holding a lit Sage and Basil Herb Bundle, with one end smoldering, and a trickle of smoke rising upward from the end.
Smoldering Sage and Pine Bundle with a trickle of smoke, propped in a small copper bowl that sits on fireproof tile surface.
  • Sage Bundle Sampler II - a trio of tightly packed bundles of dried herbs wrapped with string, for smoke cleansing rituals
  • Hand holding a lit Sage and Basil Herb Bundle, with one end smoldering, and a trickle of smoke rising upward from the end.
  • Smoldering Sage and Pine Bundle with a trickle of smoke, propped in a small copper bowl that sits on fireproof tile surface.

Sage Bundle Sampler II

Only $12.00
  • Saves you money
  • One each of white sage, sage and basil, & sage and pine
  • 4" Bundles
HRB-310 - 3 smudge bundles

Embark on a journey of growth and positive transformation with our Herb Blend Sampler II. This collection features White Sage, Sage & Basil, and Sage & Pine, each offering unique energies and benefits to enhance your smoke cleansing rituals.

Read more about Smoke Cleansing here.

Explore Your Options:

If you are new to the world of smoke cleansing, and unsure of how to incorporate it into your spiritual practice, a sampler like this one is a great starting point. It's an excellent way to familiarize yourself with a few of our most popular sage blend bundles.
  • White Sage:

    The classic choice for smoke cleansing, White Sage is renowned for its powerful ability to dispel negative energies and purify your space, making it a must-have in any spiritual toolkit.
  • Sage & Basil:

    This blend is a magnet for blessings, attracting abundance and positivity to all areas of life. Basil's association with prosperity complements sage's cleansing properties, creating an environment ripe for growth and fortune.
  • Sage & Pine:

    A powerful duo for overcoming challenges, this combination is perfect for those seeking to clear hurdles and invite positive change. Pine adds a dimension of resilience and vitality to sage's purifying energy.

The Details:

Each 4" bundle in this sampler comes from responsibly harvested, sustainable sources. Choosing our Herb Blend Sampler II is a cost-effective way to explore the diverse aspects of smoke cleansing, from energy clearing to attracting blessings and positive change.

Choosing the Right Blend for Your Needs:

Let your intuition be your guide in selecting the right blend for your intentions. Whether you are seeking good fortune, motivation, or positive energy, each blend in this sampler offers a unique experience. Experiment and discover which resonates most with you.

Discover the versatility of sage for every aspect of your spiritual practice. Our Sage Bundle Sampler II is the perfect starting point for your explorations into smoke cleansing.

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