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Sage Bundle Sampler I - a trio of tightly packed bundles of dried herbs wrapped with string, for smoke cleansing rituals
Smoldering Sage and Eucalyptus Bundle with a trickle of smoke, propped in a small copper bowl that sits on fireproof surface.
Hand holding a lit Sage and Rose Herb Bundle, with one end smoldering, and a trickle of smoke rising upward from the end.
  • Sage Bundle Sampler I - a trio of tightly packed bundles of dried herbs wrapped with string, for smoke cleansing rituals
  • Smoldering Sage and Eucalyptus Bundle with a trickle of smoke, propped in a small copper bowl that sits on fireproof surface.
  • Hand holding a lit Sage and Rose Herb Bundle, with one end smoldering, and a trickle of smoke rising upward from the end.

Sage Bundle Sampler I

Only $12.00
  • Saves you money
  • One each of white sage, sage and rose, & sage and eucalyptus
  • 4" Bundles
HRB-305 - 3 smudge bundles

Embark on a journey of discovery and rejuvenation with our Sage Bundle Sampler I. This collection – featuring White Sage, Sage & Eucalyptus, and Sage & Rose – brings together unique blends that meet a variety of spiritual and emotional needs, offering a versatile toolkit for your smoke cleansing rituals.

Read more about Smoke Cleansing here.

Explore Your Options:

If you are new to the world of smoke cleansing, and unsure of how to incorporate it into your spiritual practice, a sampler like this one is a great starting point. It’s an excellent way to familiarize yourself with a few of our most popular sage blend bundles.
  • White Sage:

    Known for its potent cleansing abilities, White Sage is a classic choice for dispelling negative energies and purifying spaces, making it an essential component in your smoke cleansing practice.
  • Sage & Eucalyptus:

    A blend that invigorates both mind and body. This energizing combination is perfect for clearing obstacles and revitalizing your surroundings, infusing you with a sense of clarity and purpose.
  • Sage & Rose:

    A fragrant mix that nurtures self-love and emotional healing. The soothing properties of rose complement the cleansing power of sage, creating a harmonious environment conducive to personal acceptance and inner peace.

The Details:

Measuring approximately 4" each, these bundles come from responsibly harvested, sustainable sources. Our Sage Bundle Sampler I is an excellent choice for those looking to explore different aspects of smoke cleansing, from energy clearing to emotional soothing.

Choosing the Right Blend for Your Needs:

Let your intuition be your guide in selecting the right blend for your intentions. Whether seeking clarity, energy, or emotional balance, each blend in this sampler offers a unique experience. Experiment and discover which resonates most with you.

Discover the versatility of sage for every aspect of your spiritual practice. Our Sage Bundle Sampler I is the perfect starting point for your explorations into smoke cleansing.

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