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Herbal Magic Pillar Candles

Votive Candles

Amber Votive Candle Amber Votive Candle
Pumpkin Spice Votive Candle Pumpkin Spice Votive Candle
Rose Votive Candle Rose Votive Candle

Mini Ritual Spell Candles

Mini Candle Hold­ers

What is candle magic?

Candle magic is any sort of ritual or spellwork that involves a burning candle. While many people acknowledge candle magic as a formal magical practice, fewer realize that the term can also be applied to more prosaic forms of magic. Everyday spellcraft, such as enjoying a romantic candlelit dinner, or blowing out candles on a birthday cake, may be more informal, but they are examples of candle magic all the same. The essential components are the candle flame as a focus, and the desire for a particular outcome.

Candle magic is wonderfully adaptable to different situations. In more formal rituals, candles might be used to define the boundaries of a Circle, or to represent the presence of the God and Goddess. There are all kinds of charts and tables showing what color candle to use for a particular sort of spell. More informally, candles are just as at home on dinner tables, and fireplace mantles, and the sides of bathtubs. The many different ways that candles can be used in magical workings is part of their charm.

What kind of candles should I use for a prosperity spell?

Go for the green! Not only is it the color of cold, hard cash (at least, in the USA), it’s also the color of growth and positive change. In the votive and pillar candles lines, the best choices would be Money and Abundance. But depending on exactly what you want to manifest, you might want to add in Courage (if you are applying for a new job), Creativity (if you are an entrepreneur), or Motivation (if you need help staying on track with your goals).

Similarly, if you are using our Mini Ritual Spell Candles (what many people call “chime candles” or “charm candles), use the green or gold candles, either alone, or in combination with other colors that reinforce the heart of the matter at hand.

What candles should I use in a protection spell?

We offer Protection intention candles in both pillar and votive sizes, and they are a wonderful starting point for a protection spell. The Dragon’s Blood votive candle is an excellent addition when performing a protection ritual, as it not only boosts the magical properties of the other candles, it also intensifies bravery and resolve. If you are using our Mini Ritual Spell Candles (what many people call “chime candles” or “charm candles), use the black and/or white candles, either alone, or in combination with other colors that reinforce the heart of the matter at hand.

What candles should I use in a love spell?

The Love pillar candle is always a good starting point for a love spell. Depending on your intent, you might also consider using a Harmony Pillar, or a rose scented votive. In the mini ritual candles, pink, red, and rose gold are good choices. One word of warning before you begin your spellwork: remember that any sort of love spell should focus primarily on change within yourself. You want to make yourself more capable of loving freely, with a whole heart. You should never use a magical working to coerce or manipulate the love of another person.

Do you offer wholesale pricing on your candles?

We are a retail seller, and we do not offer wholesale pricing on any of our merchandise.

Is there a Gryphon’s Moon store near me where I can buy candles?

If you have a computer, we are as close as your front door. We are a mail-order business, and our entire catalog can be found online. We even offer free shipping on orders over $100. We do not have a brick-and-mortar storefront that is accessible to customers. This allows us to keep our prices down, while reaching a far wider customer base than we could as a local business.

The soft glow of candlelight, the delicate fragrances released by the melting wax, the warmth of the flame... candles engage your senses so completely that they are a powerful tool in working magic. The simple flicker of firelight finds an answering spark in your spirit, and re-affirms the power that lies within you. It sharpens your attention, and focuses your mind. It helps you to set the ordinary, everyday world aside for a time, as you work your magic. Candles will never do the work for you, but they sure will make it easier to find the magic within. We offer a wide selection of handcrafted pillar candles, votive candles, and mini chime ritual spell candles in various colors and fragrances, to help you to manifest your intentions and bring about positive change in your life. For your convenience, we offer free shipping on all US orders over $100. If you'd like to stay in the loop about our latest additions, exclusive sales, and special offers, consider subscribing to our newsletter. Shop our Candles collection now, and spark some magic today.